OTX Crashing with NSInvalidArgumentException: 'launch path not accessible'

Over the weekend I ran into a nasty error that caused otx to crash with “NSInvalidArgumentException: ‘launch path not accessible’” before each run. After quite a bit of searching I finally found a solution on Cocoa Builder.

It appears that otx calls xcode-select -print-path each time it runs in order to locate the Developer tools, specifically otool. Since Apple is now bundling some developer tools into one application I had deleted /Developer and installed the new version into the main Applications folder.1 Unfortunately xcode-select was still pointing to the old Developer folder.

To correct the location and stop the crashes all I had to run was:

xcode-select -switch /Applications/
  1. The moral of this story is probably “If you don’t know what it does then don’t delete it,” but that would require a lifestyle change I’m not ready to commit to yet.